Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday's Train Wreck

If you missed today's show we had our first ever KGA Infractions Committee trial. There were two separate charges filed against Moose Jaw. The charges included a fraudulent phone call and burping into the microphone. Moose Jaw valiantly defended himself against the accusations calling on Houston Astro fan Mike to speak on his behalf. Toby listened to the evidence put forth in the case and found Moose Jaw guilty. He was sentenced to two weeks of calling Danny "Sir" and one of referring to Brandon as "Mr. Hansen."

We also had interviews today with The Seattle Times' Percy Allen and Geoff Baker. During the 12:00 Toby interviewed Richard Fox. The audio from Geoff Baker is here too.


  1. Moose Jaw was framed. This Infractions Tribunal was a miscarriage of justice.

  2. Moosejaw both informs AND entertains,very refreshing for local radio.
