Friday, April 2, 2010

Try filling out a 96-team bracket

Who's ready for March Stuffness. Since this is America and we're all about everyone getting a fair shot, we've decided to let EVERYONE into the NCAA Tournament. Hooray!

INDIANAPOLIS (AP)—The NCAA appears to be on the verge of expanding the men’s basketball tournament to 96 teams.

Insisting that nothing has been decided, NCAA vice president Greg Shaheen nonetheless outlined a detailed plan Thursday that included the logistics and timing of a 96-team tournament, how much time off the players would have and even revenue distribution.

Shaheen said the NCAA looked at keeping the current 65-team field and expanding to 68 or 80 teams, but decided the bigger bracket was best fit logistically and financially.

It would be played during the same time frame as the current three-week tournament and include first-round byes for 32 teams.

At this point do we even need to play the regular season anymore? College basketball just got watered down big time. Thanks NCAA!

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