Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Golden Tate had the munchies

Is it wise to have a wide-receiver that likes maple bars this much?

Police were called to Top Pot Doughnuts in Bellevue, Washington, at 3:00 a.m. on Saturday after two men were found entering the store after hours. Turns out new Seahawk Golden Tate just had a case of the munchies.

It seems Tate, who lives in the building above the shop, apparently came home in the wee hours and was overcome by the smell of freshly baked maple bars. It's been well-established that the man lacks all self-control. So he and his buddy just went in and took some. Too bad the store didn't open for another four hours.

I don't know what is more weird, Tate thinking its cool to enter a store after hours or Tate living about a bakery. You decide.

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